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1. Why does your work stand out from others who do what you do?

A. I focus more on Qi/energy and mental technique; so we can maximize our energy and swing effortlessly.

2. What do you like most about your job?

A. I love to watch my student improve over a period of time.

3. What questions do customers most commonly ask you? What's your answer?

Q. How can you swing consistently and effortlessly? Apply the Qi and invisible equation to the swing plane.

4. If you were a customer, what do you wish you knew about your trade? Any inside secrets to share?

A. To learn golf is similar to learning a foreign language, just like building a block. You need to do it step by step and slowly; make sure what you learn is solid, practical and completely system.

5. What is the most golfer problem?

Most golfer problem while swing, they cannot apply energy toward to the club head smoothly and efficiently. They are over swing; too rush while swinging at golf course and too fast between hitting ball after ball at driving range. Every swing should have right tempo and equation to guide you. Only this kind of practice with make a perfect swing.

6. What do you wish customers knew about you or your profession?

A. I am very practical, look for truth and stick with principal.

A. Golf is not difficult, if you can learn it step by step. You should be able to play well within 1-3 years. (it depends how often do you practice a week.)

Please remember Rome was not built within a day. Try to 1/4 swing first, 1/2 swing, 3/4 swing then finally full swing and all the swing should come with a good rhythm.

7. What advice do you have for a customer looking to hire a provider like you?

A. To ensure the instructor can do E.D.O.C = Explain, physical Demonstration, Observe, and Correction. Please remember your brain is 4000 times more powerful than a computer chip. Do not rely on a camera when you are in a golf course. The brain should be able to help you self-adjust and self-correct.

8. How did you decide to get in your line of work?

A. Golf was the most challenging sport that I ever encountered. The more challenging, the better reward.

9. Describe the most common types of jobs you do for your clients.

A. I teach more mental and invisible skills then just visible format swing or set up. I believe invisible is much more powerful than visible. I focus on the foundation, balance, tempo, swing plane, and invisible formula.

10. Tell us about a recent job you did that you are particularly proud of.

A. I was able to combine the balance, Qi, tempo, and swing plane smoothly.

11. Do you do any sort of continuing education to stay up on the latest developments in your field?

A. I'd like to continue to study Qi and see how useful it can be in the game of golf and maximize its power.

12. What are the latest developments in your field? Are there any exciting things coming in the next few years or decade that will change your line of business?

A. I invented the perfect golf swing aid.

A. I hope I can train more student and pass down my secret-QiGong Golf to generation after generation

13. Describe your most recent project, what it involved, how much it cost, and how long it took.

A. I'm looking for manufacturer and golf producer to promote my products and method.

14. If you have a complicated pricing system for your service, please give all the details here

A. The pricing system varies. However, if you have talent and determination but a financial problem, we can still assist you.

15. If you were advising someone who wanted to get into your profession, what would you suggest?

A. Always keep your interest alive and make sure you have fun. Setting up a small driving range in your back yard would be beneficial. Dimensions should be at least 8 feet by 15 feet.

16. How can I pass down my secret to the right person who not only has interest in golf but also determination to become a pro?

I don't have much time and money to promote the secret. The best way could be through a client's referral or through Internet marketing.

17. Why do people feel so frustrated when learning golf?

A. Golf has an invisible secret. If you miss one, your swing could easily mess up. Then, you will never be able to play consistently. In order to conquer this problem, you need to have an good foundation and perfect equation.

18. What questions should a consumer ask to hire the right service professional?

A. 1. What is your strength?

2. How do you teach? Any instructor should encourage you to ask any questions.

3. If any instructor depends on camera, do not hire them.

4. If any instructor doesn't do a demo with some of the clubs at each lecture, please stay away from them.

19. What is your greatest strength?

A. To combine visible and invisible to form a perfect swing plane; also, to put eastern-QIGong into western-Golf.

20. What are you currently working on improving?

A. I'm currently working in improving my leg power and Qigong skills.

21. Describe three recent jobs you've completed.

A. I finished a 9-year languages production program.

I finished the www.QiGongGolf.com website.

I finished the movie script called "You Never Know".