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America is a land of opportunity; we believe in democracy, freedom and equality. Therefore, if you have a talent you will and should shine eventually.

My Wish For Golf

A. Train an instructor to pass down my secret-QiGong Golf to generation after generation:

(all students must be 18 years old, love kids, have patience with students and hold a good record)

Pattern: 1st Generation: Anthony Chang

  • 1st Generation to 2nd Generation: hundreds of people around the world
  • 2nd Generation to 3rd Generation: thousands of people around the world
  • 3rd Generation to 4th Generation: ten thousand people around the world etc......

B. Help kids who want to become a pro but do not have financial support to hire a coach:

If you think you are gifted and want to be a world ranking professional golfer. In addition, for males it's better to be or going to be taller than 5 feet 9, for females it's better to be or going to be 5 feet 5 inches. (The average height of players ranked in the world's top ten women is 5'6 and the average height among men is around 6'0.)

In fact, over the last 150 years the average height of people in industrialized nations has increased approximately 10 centimeters (about four inches) by Michael J. Dougherty. Please see link: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-are-we-getting-taller/

If you got following criteria or you believe in you do have the following attributes:

(you must have to consult your parents first and have their approval)

  1. You are talented or you believe you are gifted.
  2. You are the required height and you are healthy.
  3. Your family cannot afford the coach
  4. You are under 17 years old.
  5. In addition, you are a good learner/listener, humble, dedicated and focused

I would like to help you. Please come to see me with your parents.